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Eric (Youth Research Board)

Hello, my name is Ngabonziza Eric. I am a Rwandese and 21 years old.

Rwanda is a country that is located in the heart of Africa. In 1994, there happened a genocide against the innocent Tutsis. The main issue I am mostly concerned  about my country is the Genocide ideology and Genocide denial. This issue is really hindering my countries policy of reconciliation and the eagerness to unite my fellow Rwandans. The government really wants to make everyone feel equal. No Hutu no Tutsi in the country.

I am looking forward to using Changing the story as a platform where I will express my feeling about how that issue can be solved in my country. I have participated in MAP (mobile arts for peace) and MAP at home  as well. I am currently the president of the MAP youth advisory board. My goal in life is to make the world a better place through peace teachings. I have achieved a lot in life, but the first thing that made me feel confident is when I passed my end of high school national exam. Thanks!


Find out from Eric what three words he would use to describe his experience as part of the Changing the Story Youth Research Board #ChangingtheStory


Resource Archive

Search or browse the resource archive for films, reports, toolkits and other resources produced by the Changing the Story and its commissioned projects. Items by Eric Ngabonziza are listed below:

Through Art, theatre and Dialogue, young people are able to express their thoughts to the countryUzabintwari project at Rwamagana Youth center "YEGO CENTER" We are using Art, theatre and Dialogue, for bring back heroism! let the elders guide the young so the raise wisely! and …Eric Ngabonziza, Leonard, , rwanda youth-research-board locationfilm language-kinyarwanda
Youth Research Board final reflectionsThe Youth Research Board are fundamental to Changing the Story. Their contribution to the project is remarkable, therefore it is only right that they get to say a few final …Antonia Bello, Arlinda, David Espitia, Eric Ngabonziza, Jayden, Jesús Campos, Leonard, Rovithono, Samjhana Balami, Taahirah Hoosain, Trina Hoti, , , , youth-research-boardarticle language-english language-spanish subject-participatory-arts youth
Meet Eric!Eric is from Kigali in Rwanda. Find out from Eric what three words he would use to describe his experience as part of the Changing the Story Youth Research Board …Eric Ngabonziza, , , rwanda youth-research-board locationfilm language-english subject-reflections
Munzira Yunjye: In My WayZine representing outcomes of workshops funded by Changing the Story Mobility Fund, 26th-28th July 2022. The venue for the workshops was the YEGO center at Rwamagana.Eric Ngabonziza, Leonard, , , event mobility-fund rwanda locationformat-zine subject-participatory-arts
Meet EricMeet Eric Ngabonziza, a Changing the Story Youth Research Board member from Rwanda.Eric Ngabonziza, rwanda youth-research-board locationfilm