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Participatory Arts in International Development

We are delighted that authors from the recently published book "Participatory Arts in International Development", co-edited by Paul Cooke (Principal Investigator of Changing the Story) and Inés Soria-Donlan (Project Manager of Changing the Story), have chosen to share the pre-proofed versions of their book chapters with us here on Changing the Story.

These are Accepted Manuscript versions of book chapters published by Routledge/CRC Press in Participatory Arts in International Development on 29 August 2019. The final version of each chapter are below, the complete book is available online:

We would like to thank all of the authors, project participants and partners involved in each piece of research - all of whom are also connected to Changing the Story in different ways - for their ongoing work and important contribution to the knowledge base developing in this area.

Imagining Power: Development, Participation and Creativity

"Imagining Power: Development, Participation and Creativity" by Martin Keat.

Reflections on Practice: Integrating Creative Arts into INGOs

"Reflections on Practice: Integrating Creative Arts into INGOs to Promote Participation, Activism and Alternative Development Futures" by Kate Newman and Kate Carroll.

Beyond the Development Imaginary: Alternate Policy in Brazil and Colombia

"Beyond the Development Imaginary: Alternate Policy in Brazil and Colombia" by Simon T. Dancey and Emily Morrison.

Challenging the Message of the Medium: Scaling Participatory Arts Projects

"Challenging the Message of the Medium: Scaling Participatory Arts Projects and the Creativity Agenda in Kenya" by Paul Cooke, Simon Peter Otieno and Jane Plastow.

When Elvis Dances: Activating Community Knowledge

"When Elvis Dances: Activating Community Knowledge through Participatory Creative Practices in Santiago, Chile" by Simon Popple.

Fragments on Heroes, Artists and Interventions

"Fragments on Heroes, Artists and Interventions: Challenging Gender Ideology and Provoking Active Citizenship through the Arts in Kosovo" by Linda Gusia, Nita Luci, Lura Pollozhani and Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers

Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP): Youth and Participatory Arts in Rwanda

"Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP): Youth and Participatory Arts in Rwanda" by Ananda Breed.

Arts, Education and Reconciliation in Cambodia: Sociological Perspectives

"Arts, Education and Reconciliation in Cambodia: Sociological Perspectives" by Peter Manning and Sayana Ser.

Historical Research as an Advocacy Tool in India

"Historical Research as an Advocacy Tool in India" by William Gould and Dakxin Bajrange.

Developing Dialogue through Participatory Design

"Developing Dialogue through Participatory Design and Imaginative Graphic-Ethnography" by Paul Wilson.

Filming the Margins

"Filming the Margins: Documentary Film, Participation and the Poetics of Resistance in Contemporary Brazil" by Stephanie Dennison and Gilberto Alexandre Sobrinho.

Taking the Product Seriously: Questions of Voice, Politics and Aesthetics

"Taking the Product Seriously: Questions of Voice, Politics and Aesthetics in Participatory Video" by Paul Cooke, Sinethemba Makanya, Inés Soria-Donlan and Daniela Wegrostek.

Researching like an Artist: Disrupting Participatory Arts-Based Methods

"Researching like an Artist: Disrupting Participatory Arts-Based Methods in Uganda and Bangladesh" by Emilie Flower and Ruth Kelly.