YouthLead (Colombia) is a participatory arts research project and collaboration between Queen's University Belfast, National Centre for Historical Memory, Konrad
Lorenz University and Gestores de Paz. which addresses two broad research questions.
First, how are young people in Colombia tackling the legacy of violence, and second, how can the arts amplify the voices of young people?
Fragments on Heroes, Artists and Interventions: Challenging Gender Ideology and Provoking Active Citizenship through the Arts in Kosovo is a chapter in the edited book Cooke, P. and Soria-Dolan, I., eds. Participatory Arts in International Development. London: Routledge
Article shares international research project led by UK and East African stakeholders. This was framed as a consolidation of learning in our analysis and evaluation of findings from four Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) projects.
- Mobile Arts for Peace (Rwanda)
- Young people’s interpretations of civic national values (Kenya)
- Connective Memories (Rwanda)
- Reanimating Contested Spaces (Rwanda).
These research projects emerge from a larger AHRC GCRF project known as Changing the Story which asks how arts, heritage and human rights education can support youth-centred approaches to civil society building in post-conflict settings across the world.
Written by Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar (Phase 1 Colombia Project 'Tales of the Future). The following article is a product of Alejandro's research and raises the need to question "Transitional scenarios," their discourses, underlying assumptions and concrete practices, as part of global models of managing the effects of violence in specific contexts.