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Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar (Universidad de los Andes)

Phase 1 Co-Investigator
Universidad de los Andes
Associate Professor of Anthropology, Universidad de los Andes

Professor Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar is associate professor of anthropology at the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. He has significant ethnographic experience in the field of Peace and Conflict Studies. His work has dealt, over the last 20 years, with the impact that different forms of violence have had on the existential landscape of human experience. In this context, he has conducted fieldwork in Colombia and South Africa among victims’ organizations and former combatants. Professor Castillejo-Cuéllar was also international observer to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Peru as well as consultant to the National Commission for Reconciliation in Colombia. Since 2011, he has also led the Critical Studies Program on Political Transitions (PECT), an interdisciplinary academic initiative and network of researchers from the global South interested in the study of the social worlds that emerge during the aftermath of violence, with particular attention to the questions of subjectivity and everyday survival.

He is currently working on the book “After the traces of the body: ethnophonies, (im)materialities and the sensorial life of the missing in Colombia”.

Alejandro is the Principle-Investigator of the Phase 1 Colombia project 'Tales of the Future.'

Resource Archive

Search or browse the resource archive for films, reports, toolkits and other resources produced by the Changing the Story and its commissioned projects. Items written by Prof Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar are listed below:

Peace in a Small Scale'Peace in a Small Scale: Colombia and the Social Imagination of the Future' by Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar and with the research assistance of Alex Sierra. This paper was presented as part …Prof Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar, , , , colombia event phase1 changemakers locationfilm language-english
Small Scale Peace: Fractures of Everyday Life and Transitional PoliciesJournal article Read Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar (Phase 1 Colombia Project 'Tales of the Future) article titled 'Small Scale Peace: Fractures of Everyday Life and Transitional Policies in Colombia published in Revista …Prof Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar, , , , colombia phase1 locationarticle language-spanish sdg-11-sustainable-cities sdg-16-institutions
A Critique of Transitional DiscourseWritten by Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar (Phase 1 Colombia Project 'Tales of the Future). The following article is a product of Alejandro's research and raises the need to question "Transitional scenarios," their …Prof Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar, , , , colombia phase1 locationarticle language-spanish sdg-11-sustainable-cities sdg-16-institutions
The Arts of Survival (English)Written by Alejandro Castillejo Cuellar and investigators Alex Sierra and Juanita Frankey, the following critical review of the Phase 1 Colombia project Tales of the Future: Senses, Creativity and the …Prof Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar, , , , , colombia phase1 locationreport language-english sdg-11-sustainable-cities sdg-16-institutions subject-reflections
How do young people in conflict settings view peace?Listen to the jungle, the rivers and the voices of young people from the Atrato River populations, one of the areas hardest hit in the country by the conflict. Alejandro …Prof Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar, , , , colombia phase1 locationlanguage-spanish sdg-11-sustainable-cities sdg-16-institutions subject-peace
Tales of the Future – ColombiaBlog (2018/04/05) Tales of the Future – ColombiaDr Simon Dancey, Emily Morrison, Prof Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar, , colombia phase1 locationblog language-english
The Arts of Survival (Spanish)Written by Alejandro Castillejo Cuellar and investigators Alex Sierra and Juanita Frankey, the following critical review of the Phase 1 Colombia project Tales of the Future: Senses, Creativity and the …Prof Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar, , , , , colombia phase1 locationreport language-spanish sdg-11-sustainable-cities sdg-16-institutions subject-reflections
Del ahogado el sombrero, a manera de manifiestoDel ahogado el sombrero, a manera de manifiesto: esbozos para una crítica al discurso transicional. Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology. By Alejandro Castillejo Cuéllar, 2018.Prof Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar, colombia locationarticle language-spanish
Introducción del editor invitado: la paz en pequeña escalaIntroducción del editor invitado: la paz en pequeña escala, Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar (2019)Prof Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar, , , colombia locationarticle language-spanish sdg-11-sustainable-cities sdg-16-institutions
Desde las fronteras de la precariedadBlog (2018/12/21) Desde las fronteras de la precariedadProf Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar, , , colombia phase1 locationblog language-spanish subject-reflections