Rajan Khatiwada (Mandala Theatre)
- Position
- Phase 2 Project Partner
- Faculty profile link
- https://www.mandalatheatre.com/
Rajan Khatiwada is the creative director of Mandala Theatre and was a student of
Aarohan Gurukul. He has more than 20 years of experience in the theatre and film fields as a
professional and practitioner in different forms of theatre (forum, playback, street ant more) and is a one of Nepal’s most renowned actors and directors in the Nepali theatre world particularly for his inspirational work Nepali children and youths. He has acted in plays such as Oedipus Rex, Kumari, Charandaas Chor, Bagbhairav and Maila Dot Com and has also directed many plays such as Sunkeshari and Miss Julie among others. Recently, he led
the organization of the Nepal International Theatre Festival 2019.
The Mandala Theatre Company is a partner on the Phase 2 project 'Examining Interpretations of Civil National Values made by Young People in Post-Conflict Settings' (Kenya and Nepal).