Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research. The aim of the series is to provide you with food for thought, and to help your project team reflect on safeguarding policies and procedures that are appropriate in your context.
Building trust is central to the ethos of much participatory research. Here, three young researchers from Kosovo discuss their feelings on disclosing personal concerns.
Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research. The aim of the series is to provide you with food for thought, and to help your project team reflect on safeguarding policies and procedures that are appropriate in your context.
This video looks at options for advice and expertise when referring incidents beyond your project.
Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research. The aim of the series is to provide you with food for thought, and to help your project team reflect on safeguarding policies and procedures that are appropriate in your context.
This video explores the limits of confidentiality, and what to do when they are reached.
We need you! If you want to express your feelings about safety, who has authority in your life and how you feel about it?
If you have an idea about an output you want to create that we can support you with - get in touch!
Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research. In this video Changing the Story colleagues Linda Hoxha and Tony Cegielka discuss the extent to which individuals in designated roles need experience or training in mental health.
UKCDR ask project to consider:
• What training is in place for people dealing with any safeguarding issues or allegations?
• How do you ensure that the project team is not being asked to go beyond its knowledge and/or experience with regard to safeguarding?
• What kind of local care and support services for safeguarding are available? Are other services required?
Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research. The aim of the series is to provide you with food for thought, and to help your project team reflect on safeguarding policies and procedures that are appropriate in your context.
Two Co-investigators in Zimbabwe position safeguarding within the wider debate around decolonisation of knowledge in international development.
Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research. In this video you'll hear Changing the Story Regional Safeguarding Lead (South East Europe) reflect on the potential impact of setting up safeguarding structures in a new project.
• How do we best introduce the concepts and terminology around safeguarding?
• What contextual factors affect this in a particular country or region?
• How do we involve all research partners at the research design and planning stage to ensure that research questions and methodologies are contextually appropriate?.
Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research. The aim of the series is to provide you with food for thought, and to help your project team reflect on safeguarding policies and procedures that are appropriate in your context.
A Principal Investigator discusses a case study in which LGBT+ staff are advised by their institution to conceal their sexuality when working abroad.
Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research.
• How do we make online spaces safe without intruding on personal lives at home?
• What support or alternatives are we offering for those researchers whose access to workspace, equipment, reliable electricity supply or internet at home may be limited, so that they can continue to work but do so safely?
• In the absence of face-to-face meetings, how are we acknowledging and catering for the different time zones in which researchers work?
Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research. The aim of the series is to provide you with food for thought, and to help your project team reflect on safeguarding policies and procedures that are appropriate in your context.
An early-career researcher recounts a positive experience as a participant in a project using ‘playback theatre’ techniques, where safeguarding issues arise organically.
Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research.
In this video you will hear Dr Jessica Mitchell reflect on the approach she took to safeguarding when building a network cluster.
- What are the most effective mechanisms for assessing safeguarding risks collaboratively with research partners?
- What is the best organisational safeguarding incident investigation process that can ensure knowledge is captured and lessons are learnt from past incidents?
- What is our agreed process for how safeguarding concerns will be reported and escalated across research partnerships?
- What might an effective ‘a risk level rating system’ look like, with a clear threshold for reporting to funders and regulatory bodies?
Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research. The aim of the series is to provide you with food for thought, and to help your project team reflect on safeguarding policies and procedures that are appropriate in your context.
A colleague discusses his experience of conducting LGBTQI-related research in the Global South.
Safeguarding Project Development Officer, Tony Cegielka and Safeguarding Regional Leads Linda Hoxha, Helene Rousseau, Astrid Cañas, Chaste Uwihoreye and Rajib Timalsina discuss their roles on the CTS Safeguarding project..
Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research. The aim of the series is to provide you with food for thought, and to help your project team reflect on safeguarding policies and procedures that are appropriate in your context.
Two researchers’ experience of living and working in local contexts.
Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research.
In this video, Changing the Story colleagues discuss the issue of safeguarding the mental health of researchers.
• What channels exist for you to discuss your mental health and wellbeing?
• Are there any other channels that you would like created?
• What action could this instigate?
• When does a mental health concern become a safeguarding matter?
Safeguarding means protecting vulnerable people from harm, whether malicious or unintended, by believing and responding to concerns through a systematic approach.
In 2019-20, we’re developing a project to generate discussion of the issues around safeguarding, and move towards a mutual assessment of how best to ensure that safeguarding approaches work in context.
Follow the story of the project so far and meet Safeguarding Project Developer, Tony Cegielka and our 5 brilliant Regional Safeguarding Leads: Astrid Canas, Rajib Timalsina, Chaste Uwihoreye and Helene Rousseau.
Changing the Story has produced a series of short videos which address the various aspects of safeguarding in international development research. The aim of the series is to provide you with food for thought, and to help your project team reflect on safeguarding policies and procedures that are appropriate in your context.
A young participant in Kosovo recalls how she was first introduced at the age of 12 to the subject of human trafficking.
Check out the video to hear Jesús from the Changing the Story Youth Research Board talk about what his motivations were for his research and where he is going with it! With English subtitles.
Setting the ambitious task of outlining what makes evidence compelling enough to drive policy change, Richard calls on his own personal experience having worked for MP’s and lobbying for policy change to provide sound advice around how to engage with the policy process. Richard considers whether (in his own words) evidence policy making is dead. Thankfully, he doesn’t think so and you can find out why by listening to Richard’s brilliant lecture.
In September 2019, the Etnia Company, a group of musicians from Choco, Colombia were invited to participate in a panel discussion and perform at an international conference held at the Universidad de los Andes called Peace on a Small Scale. With the support of the Changing the Story Mobility Fund, the group were able to attend the 2-day event, which was live streamed and broadcast live across 20 local radio stations in Bogota. Watch a live recording from the groups performance here. Filming by Mauricio Salinas Rozo.