Youth-led Social Enterprises in Malaysia (Malaysia)
Youth-led Social Enterprises in Malaysia: Shaping Civil Society by and for Young People was a Changing the Story Phase 2 ECR project.
Despite the support for and suggested importance of youth social entrepreneurship for Malaysia’s future toward social justice and a sustainable economy and society, social entrepreneurship rates are surprisingly low in Malaysia. At the same time, deploying discourses of civil society and social entrepreneurship in development initiatives shifts institutional responsibilities onto individuals and communities to reinforce existing power dynamics and hinder wellbeing. In this context, this project aimed to examine the lived experiences of young people in relation to the factors that influence their engagement in social entrepreneurship and the activities that youth-led social enterprises employ to contribute to civil society. This will be achieved with a unique approach combining co-design with young social entrepreneurs and case studies to bridge arts and humanities with social sciences and enhance the voices of young people.
By investigating the lived experiences of young social entrepreneurs and how social enterprises contribute (positively and/or negatively) to civil society, we create a conceptual link between civil society and social entrepreneurship research. The project contributes to appreciation of the diversity of organising forms in civil society by shedding light on a new type of organisational actor (i.e. social enterprises). The project also offers a contextualised approach to examining the activities through which social enterprises may catalyse social change.
By focusing on youth-led social enterprises in Malaysia, this project aligns with the overarching aims of “Changing the Story”, while also contributing insights based on a new context, new method, and a new conceptual lens. Ultimately, the project will explicate not only how civil society can be shaped with and for young people, but also by young people.
The potential impact of the project is aiding a supportive ecosystem in which young social entrepreneurs and their social enterprises successfully address social and economic challenges in sustainable ways for individuals and communities.
Walaupun telah banyak disuarakan cadangan dan sokongan terhadap kepentingan pembangunan keusahawanan sosial di kalangan belia Malaysia ke arah penyamarataan tahap sosial dan ekonomi dalam membentuk masyarakat yang mampan, kadar pembangunan keusahawanan sosial belia di negara kita masih amat rendah. Pada masa yang sama, wacana masyarakat sivil dan keusahawanan sosial dalam pelbagai inisiatif pembangunan keusahawanan menampakkan peralihan tanggungjawab daripada hanya bergantung kepada institusi-institusi pendidikan keusahawanan sedia ada kepada penglibatan daripada berbagai pergerakan komuniti serta individu-individu tertentu bagi memperkasakan lagi keusahawanan sosial di kalangan belia dalam negara.
Dalam konteks ini, cadangan projek ini bertujuan mensasarkan kajian terhadap kaitan pengalaman hidup golongan muda atau belia dengan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penglibatan mereka dalam bidang keusahawanan sosial serta aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh syarikat berteraskan sosial yang diterajui oleh golongan belia untuk mengenalpasti sumbangan mereka kepada masyarakat sivil.Ini boleh dicapai melalui pendekatan unik yang menggabungkan rancangan reka-bentuk bersama usahawan-usahawan sosial muda dan kajian kes yang dapat menghubungkan bidang kesusasteraan dan kemanusiaan dengan sains sosial. Hasilnya dapat membolehkan para belia menyumbang pendapat mereka dengan lebih baik.
Melalui pengamatan dan analisa terhadap kehidupan usahawan sosial muda dan bagaimana kumpulan syarikat-syarikat sosial ini menyumbang secara positif dan/atau negatif kepada masyarakat, projek ini dapat mewujudkan satu kajian konsep hubungan di antara masyarakat sivil dan komuniti keusahawanan sosial. Projek ini juga menghargai kepelbagaian bentuk penganjuran dalam masyarakat awam khususnya masyarakat sivil bagi mengetengahkan organisasi-organisasi baru seperti perusahaan sosial. Projek ini mengambil pendekatan kontekstualisasi dalam mengkaji aktiviti-aktiviti yang dilaksanakan oleh perusahaan sosial yang seterusnya dapat memangkin perubahan sosial.
Dengan memberi tumpuan kepada syarikat sosial yang diterajui oleh golongan belia di Malaysia, projek ini sejajar dengan matlamat utama iaitu “Changing the Story”, dalam pada masa yang sama menyumbangkan pandangan berdasarkan konteks, kaedah dan lensa konseptual yang baru. Kejayaan projek ini adalah apabila ia dapat membuktikan bukan sahaja bagaimana masyarakat sivil yang cenderung kepada keusahawanan dapat dibentuk untuk manfaat kaum muda bersama kaum muda, tetapi bagaimana ianya boleh dibangunkan oleh kaum muda juga. Impak projek ini berpotensi untuk membantu pembentukan ekosistem sokongan di mana usahawan sosial muda dan perusahaan sosial mereka berjaya menangani cabaran sosial dan ekonomi dengan cara yang mampan untuk individu dan masyarakat.
Project Location
Resource Archive
Search or browse the resource archive for films, reports, toolkits and other resources produced by the Changing the Story and its commissioned projects. Items relating to Malaysia are listed below:
Title | Summary | Author | Categories | Tags | doc_categories_hfilter | doc_tags_hfilter |
Youth led Social Enterprises Case Study | Case study introduction Youth-led social enterprises (Malaysia) investigates the lived experiences of young social entrepreneurs and how social enterprises contribute (positively and/or negatively) to civil society. Discover the project highlights … | Malaysia, Phase 2 | language: english, SDG 11 Sustainable Cities, SDG 8 Work, SDG 9 Industry | malaysia phase2 location | language-english sdg-11-sustainable-cities sdg-8-work sdg-9-industry | |
The landscape of social enterprises in Malaysia: Involvement of young people | Blog (2020/01/29) The landscape of social enterprises in Malaysia: Involvement of young people | Jian Li Yew | Malaysia, Phase 2, Young Changemakers | format: blog, language: english, subject: reflections, subject: youth | malaysia phase2 changemakers location | blog language-english subject-reflections youth |
Social enterprises: Supporting and safeguarding refugees | Blog (2019/10/25) Social enterprises: Supporting and safeguarding refugees | Dr Andreana Drencheva | Cambodia, Malaysia, Phase 1, Phase 2 | format: blog, language: english, subject: reflections | cambodia malaysia phase1 phase2 location | blog language-english subject-reflections |
The experiences of young people in social entrepreneurship: Insights from Malaysia | Blog (2019/10/2) The experiences of young people in social entrepreneurship: Insights from Malaysia | Dr Andreana Drencheva | Malaysia, Phase 2 | format: blog, language: english, subject: reflections | malaysia phase2 location | blog language-english subject-reflections |
Consolidation, Learning and Evaluation in Asia | Project Principal Investigator, Sreenath Nair The South East Asia Consolidated Learning project will work across a selection of the existing CTS portfolio of projects to draw out key lessons learnt, … | Dr Sreenath Nair | Cambodia, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Phase 2 | format: film, subject: reflections | cambodia india malaysia nepal phase2 location | film subject-reflections |
Participatory methods =/= inclusive methods | Blog (2020/01/29) Participatory methods =/= inclusive methods | Dr Andreana Drencheva | Cambodia, Malaysia, Phase 1, Phase 2 | format: blog, language: english, subject: reflections | cambodia malaysia phase1 phase2 location | blog language-english subject-reflections |
Enabling reflection amongst young social entrepreneurs in Malaysia | Blog (2020/07/31) Enabling reflection amongst young social entrepreneurs in Malaysia | Dr Andreana Drencheva | Malaysia, Phase 2, Young Changemakers | format: blog, language: english, subject: reflections | malaysia phase2 changemakers location | blog language-english subject-reflections |
Narrating Career in Social Entrepreneurship | Narrating Career in Social Entrepreneurship: Experiences of Social Entrepreneurs by Andreana Drencheva, Jian Li Yew, and Wee Chan Au. The purpose of this qualitative study is to contribute to the … | Dr Andreana Drencheva, Dr Wee Chan Au, Jian Li Yew | Malaysia | format: article, language: english, SDG 11 Sustainable Cities, SDG 8 Work, SDG 9 Industry | malaysia location | article language-english sdg-11-sustainable-cities sdg-8-work sdg-9-industry |
CTS Workshop in Cambodia Reflections as an Early Career Researcher | Blog (2019/04/30) CTS Workshop in Cambodia Reflections as an Early Career Researcher | Cambodia, Event, Malaysia, Phase 1, Phase 2 | format: blog, language: english, subject: reflections | cambodia event malaysia phase1 phase2 location | blog language-english subject-reflections |